Why FAM speechless?

Until now there are no sign of action taken by Football Association of Malaysia (FAM). Datuk Azzudin Ahmad is on holiday overseas while Sultan Ahmad Shah is on vacation too. Meanwhile Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, Deputy President of FAM is speechless until the president and FAM General Secretary come back soon.
 While Datuk Hamidin Mohd Amin, Vice President of FAM declined to comment yesterday but have to wait until they come back from vacation. Let them talk about that. Whatever it is, he will defending FAM according to the issue matters.

Last Friday, five members of Harimau Malaya Extreme Fans (PFSLJ) representatives attend press conference at Bukit Jalil have outlined five reasons why President of FAM has to resign. PFSLJ Spokesman, Al Fadli Awaludin replied to Datuk Razali Ibrahim, Deputy Minister  of Sports and Youths to prove that they had made mistaken reasons by show quality progress of Malaysia Soccer Team level after he tried to defend Sultan Ahmad Shah leadership.
Meanwhile Harimau Muda optimists their chance by undergoing the plans and developments of Gold Medal target to SEA Games 2013 that will start soon. They will not join Singapore League 2013 (S-League) otherwise will go through the plans to Australia and Slovakia. They will play for Newspaper Cup at Vietnam and Pesta Bolasepak Merdeka three months before the SEA Games on November 2013.

 We hope the issues about FAM will be resolved soon and to Harimau Muda, once again all Malaysia Fans believe they will got hat-rick to retain Gold Medal at SEA Games 2013 soon.

Malaysia Boleh!!! X3.


sebagai peminat dan penyokong
aku harap harimau muda atau harimau malaya akan bangun mengaum
tu je


Semoga semua isu dapat diselesaikan segera demi memartabatkan kembali skuad Harimau Malaya dan Harimau Muda kita, Aminnn..


lebih baik FAM dirombak..terlalu lama dipegang org yg sama..


i really support Malaysia football team..


azuddin memang patut undur, ada kata ranking tak penting. apa daa..


Harap FAM akan ada revolusi secara Bijak. Demi penyokong negara Malaysia


Malaysia Boleh!!! X3


Ada perkara lain yang dinilai lebih penting lagi kot.


Ya lakukan untuk menaikkan prestij bola sepak negara di mata dunia.


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