It was a moment before Malaysia celebrate its national belated freedom 62nd years on next day. With 52% the ball possesion belongs to Malaysia in second half, almost triggered a goal when J.partiban threw a ball from right wing to Hazwan Bakri to shot the goal but neglected by Jordan's keeper.

Malaysia seems to get in rigth track to get more than two three times chances to have a goal but all tries were shot above the goal post.
The only goal was shot by Saeed Murjan, Jordan Captain in first half. Jordan sent their almost second team without six regulars, dominated first half. Harimau Malaya got one two chances to drew the matches on first half, but not always not on right target.

Meanwhile Jordan coaches, Vitak Borkelmans was fascinated with the Ultras Malaya. He said the scene was so awesome when he can really enjoy the moment with abondaned of Malaysia supporters came to support their team was so miracles. It was about more than 14000 spectactors to Bukit Jalil National Stadium.

Meanwhile, Tan Cheng Hoe, Malaysia National Coach just listed 24 players to play against Indonesia for FIFA 2022 World Cup qualification on next 5th of September at Bong Karno Stadium, Jakarta.
Lists of 24 players to JAKARTA.
1. Farizal Marlias (JDT)
2. Hafizul Hakim (Perak)
3. Ifwat Akmal (Kedah)
1. Adam nor (JDT)
2. Corbin Ong (JDT)
3. Shahrul Saad (Perak)
4. Nazirul Naim (Perak)
5. Matt Davies (Pahang)
6. Syahmi Safari (Selangor)
7. Irfan Zakaria (K. Lumpur)
8. Dominic Toretto (Police)
1. Syamer Kutty (JDT)
2. Brendan Gan (Perak)
3. Azam Azih (Pahang)
4. Akram Mahinan (PKNS FC)
5. Daniel Amier (FELDA Utd)
1. Safawi Rasid (JDT)
2. Akhyar Rashid (JDT)
3. J. Partiban (Perak)
4. Mohamadou Sumareh (Pahang)
5. Hadin Azman (FELDA Utd)
1. Syafiq Ahmad (JDT)
2. Shahrel Fikri (Perak)
3. Norshahrul Idlan (Pahang)
Lists of 24 players of Indonesia
Andritany Ardhiyasa
Teja Paku Alam
Angga Saputra
Ricky Fajrin
Hansamu Yama
Yanto Basna
Yustinus Paew
Ruben Sanadi
Andika Wijaya
Victor Igbonefo
Andik Vermansah (ex selangor/kedah)
Evan Dimas (ex selangor)
Febri Haryadi
Bagus Khafi
Manahati Lestusen
Rizky Pellu
Stefano Lilipaly
Irfan Jaya
Irfan Bachdim
Saddil Ramdani (Pahang)
Ferdinand Sinaga (ex Kelantan)
Beto Goncalves (ex Penang)
Osas Saha (ex Penang)
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